01. Commerce & Business Studies is a biannual-bilingual research journal. It is published in the month of January and July every year. Papers are invited up to 30th November for January issue and up to 30th May for July issue.
02. The manuscripts should normally not exceed 2500-3000 words (A4 Size) pages, Margin 1 inch in all sides including figures and tables, typed in 1.5 space In 12-point Times New Roman font for English & Kruti Dev 010 font in 14 points for Hindi.
03. The Article should be submitted in a soft copy of MS WORD or PageMaker 6.5 of the same through email –, followed by WhatsApp 9415719286.
04. Full paper should generally consist (i) Title of the article (Times New Roman 14, in bold) (ii) An abstract of the paper in about 500 words (Times New Roman 12-point, Italics). The abstract should be in single paragraph and indicate methodology, significant findings and conclusions in brief (iii) Keywords: 3 to 5 words arranged alphabetically and (iv) Main text.
05. Main text should have (i) Abstract (ii) Introduction (highlighting the review of current literatures aims and the objectives of the study) (iii) Research Methodology (iv) Results & Discussions (v) Research limitations/ implications (if any) (vi) Conclusions and Suggestions.
06. Headings and Sub Headings should be in 12 point font, bold faced and aligned left.
07. All figures (charts, diagrams and line drawings) and Plates (photographic images) should be submitted in electronic form. They should be of clear quality, in black and white and numbered consecutively.
08. Mathematical expressions, figures and charts should be presented in a way that can be easily edited and printable. Tables and diagrams should be numbered consecutively and included in the text. Sources must be mentioned below the table. These titles must be above and tables/figures & charts.
09. Please check your manuscript for clarity, grammar, spellings, punctuation, and consistency of references to minimize editorial changes.
10. The editorial team has the right to modify or edit the work in order to match the standard and style requirement of the journal.
11. References should be in the end arranged alphabetically. Only references cited in the text should be presented in the list of references. Reference should be according to APA format. For titles in a language other than English, provide an English translation in parentheses.
12. The plagiarism in the manuscript should not exceed in any case more than 10%. Authors will be responsible for the same.
13. Every research paper will be reviewed by two persons of peer review committee. 

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